MIMOSA Handcrafted Cicada Necklace



      For thousands of years, the cicada has been a symbol of change, renewal, rebirth, metamorphosis, and transformation. Instead of one major metamorphosis, the cicada's 17-year life is marked by multiple moltings (or sheddings of old layers). On its 5th molting, it finally leaves the ground to emerge into the light.

      From there, they use their large eyes to seek full awareness of their surroundings. Through powerful song and strong communication, they show us what it is to use voice in a community to be infinitely more effective in a unified pursuit.

      In 2020, we worked together with Dialogue on Race Louisiana to find a symbol that might, in some way, capture the essence of DORLA and share a bit of the story of the good work they do in our community. After Zoom meetings, phone conversations, research, and feedback, we landed on the cicada.

      Click [here] to discover the full story behind this meaningful piece and why we chose it for our collaboration.

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