The Pelican Collection lived in my mind for years before we cast it into something physical, something I could hold in my hand, something we could wear. I was making jewelry, but my skill set and equipment limited me to small two-dimensional pieces.
The pelican, though, wouldn’t leave me alone. For years, I sketched, dreamt, sculpted, and attempted to bring it to life however I could. When we finally had the equipment and barely the know-how to begin lost-wax casting years later, the pelican was the first piece I carved and brought to a three-dimensional form.
The pelican is a symbol of home, for sure, for any Louisianan, but it's also a symbol of homecoming. They leave us in early spring and glide back in early fall. We collectively feel a shift in our spirits to another season, a recognition of time passed, and a welcoming of what’s to come. It's a time to be with our feathered friends.