“Cows,” we’d say, over and over, watching from the windows on windy roads through endless pastures. It never got old to see them or to point them out. But the real excitement was the ones with the horns, long horns. Those were like bonus points in our imaginary game. Even as a kid, we knew they were something special.

The Legacy of the Longhorns
Along the way, I’d learn of their significance in our history, their resilience in handling everything from desert to snow, their hardiness on long cattle drives, and the tiny but tough babies they made that were more resistant to diseases than the rest.

Their iconic silhouette feels like power and strength, solid and sturdy against the elements. A symbol of what it means to stand firm in the face of whatever comes at us.

Longhorn Spirit Captured
Our Longhorn Jewelry captures that spirit so that we can carry it close. It is a wearable reminder of our own strength in whatever we’re facing and a throwback to the bonus-point cows that captured us.

Lost Wax Carved Jewelry
For our longhorn jewelry Madeline hand carved the original pieces in wax. MIMOSA uses the ancient art of Lost Wax casting to create all of our pieces of longhorn jewelry See below for more behind the scenes of the Longhorn Cuff in the hand carving process.

Shop our entire collection of Longhorn Jewelry, including a Longhorn necklace, Longhorn cuff, Longhorn ring, and Longhorn pin.

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